Richard Kinder

Tax consultant, Partner

Beruflicher Werdegang

While studying business administration with a focus on tax law and auditing at the Technical University of Berlin, he gained valuable practical work experience at the Lohnsteuerhilfeverein Berlin e.V.. This activity forced him to explain the complicated tax law in a simple way. After completing his diploma studies in 1992, he became a tax consultant in 1998 with the successful examination and founded independent law firms in Barth (1998) and Stralsund (1999). From the very beginning, non-profit corporations were a focus of his consulting work.


Richard Kinder is your contact person for business management and tax law issues. The main focus of his work is payroll accounting and, in particular, support during tax audits. If tax arrangements are also sought against the background of efficient administration and the risks of possible tax audits, you will find individual solutions with him.

Richard Kinder is the founder of the events "Association Law for Practitioners" in Barth. From the activity in the citizen of Berlin wage tax assistance association LBB registered association during its study and over the independent activity as tax advisors in Vorpommern since 1997, it collected extensive experiences as advisors. He knows the perspective of association boards and municipalities from his honorary commitment as a board member of the SV Motor Barth as well as an expert resident in the committee for finances and allocation of the Hanseatic city of Stralsund. In addition to regular seminars on non-profit and human resources management, he publishes technical papers when time permits. Most recently, on the controversial topic of "Benefits according to § 37b EStG".


  • Wage tax and social security law

  • External wage tax audits

  • Cash-intensive businesses


  • Stralsund Association of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses


  • Grants according to sec. 37b German Income Tax Act (EStG), in: Die Steuerberatung, 5/2014, p. 194 ff.

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Tax consulting and legal advice
Schomerus & Partner mbB
Steuerberater Rechtsanwälte
Hamburger Treuhand Gesellschaft
Schomerus & Partner mbB
Deichstrasse 1
20459 Hamburg
Bülowstrasse 66
10783 Berlin
Möhlstrasse 35
81675 München
An den Bleichen 15
18435 Stralsund