Digital solutions

Dynamic technical developments or legal changes force you to constantly realign internal processes or rethink the entire organizational structure. In view of increasing requirements with scarce personnel resources, these must be effectively mastered by intelligent digital solutions. These solutions offer opportunities to significantly reduce costs in administration and create free space for strategic projects.

How we help you 

Based on Microsoft 365, we have developed three digital solutions to simplify everyday office life:

Digital invoice receipt with Microsoft 365

Within your existing Microsoft 365 environment, we map your approval process of incoming invoices digitally and thus completely transparently. The time-consuming distribution and stamping of invoices or approval via mails is thus completely eliminated. Your valuable working time is freed up for the really important things.

With all the optimization of workflows, we have not forgotten the legal requirements: Both the stored workflow and the archiving of invoices comply with the tax requirements of the GoBD.

Quality management with Microsoft 365

How can quality management be mapped as simply and comprehensibly as possible? After all, it would be best if quality management were directly integrated into everyday work and could be easily viewed by all employees at any time. On the other hand, it must be child's play for those responsible for QM to maintain and update the documentation.

All this is achieved by our solution in your Microsoft 365 environment, because it ensures a high level of acceptance and that information is always up-to-date. This means that nothing stands in the way of ISO 9001 certification.

Compliance management with Microsoft 365

Given the abundance of regulations, it is almost impossible to maintain an overview of the paragraph jungle without technical support. That's why we have developed a solution for your Microsoft 365 environment that enables you to record all the regulations relevant to you and define responsibilities for compliance. The solution helps you to assess risks from your business model and to monitor them sustainably.

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Tax consulting and legal advice
Schomerus & Partner mbB
Steuerberater Rechtsanwälte
Hamburger Treuhand Gesellschaft
Schomerus & Partner mbB
Deichstrasse 1
20459 Hamburg
Bülowstrasse 66
10783 Berlin
Möhlstrasse 35
81675 München
An den Bleichen 15
18435 Stralsund